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Liz Munn, Esthetician, Founder & Owner of SkinPro Studio

I am a firm believer that the road takes you where you need to be. My road on adulthood started as a teenager. I became a mom at 16 and again at 18. Those early days challenged me. Sometimes I think I learned as much from them as they have from me. They inspired me to do whatever it took. Sometimes that took several jobs, less sleep and probably fewer meals than other moms but we did it. I’ve learned things in a way that few experience. A priceless education in life and love. The three of us met my amazing husband and in 1989 we became a blended family.

In the late 80’s I trained as an EMT. I applied that training to medical coding and compliance. I’ve worked for private practice physicians and at MUSC. I love the medical environment. It was challenging. I grew tired of insurance company rules and red tape. The restraints it puts on time patients spend with doctors and care givers.

I wanted to spend more time caring for people in a personal way. I obtained my esthetics license in 2009. I was committed to my new career path and accepted a position with a national brand as a sales, education and management consultant. I received specialty training in product ingredients, product formulation, chemical peels, makeup artistry and spa management. I developed a territory from nothing to top 5 in the company in about 4 years. I accepted a promotion and managed an amazing group of women on the east coast. This increased my travel and my work load. I loved my job and it was an amazing time for me professionally.

Breast cancer changed my focus in 2013. I had to make some decisions about treatment and what was best for me and my family. We opted for very aggressive surgery and natural reconstruction. This took well over a year to fully recover from several surgeries. My family rallied around me and I was healing. Cancer has a way of showing you your path in a new way. Cancer shows you what’s important and what isn’t so important. Second chances can’t be squandered. I was more aware of how I spent my time. I saw things differently. I followed my intuition.

I left a large salary and demanding schedule to work as an independent sales and training representative with Everything Esthetic. I met formulators, entrepreneurs, nurses, doctors, and some amazingly talented estheticians. I received training in advanced chemical peels, LED light therapy, cryotherapy, radio frequency, and micro-needling. I expanded my knowledge on growth factors, PRP and product formulation. I also completed training in oncology esthetics. I was excited about work again. I was spending more quality time with clients and with my family. Life was good and I believe the exposure I had to these amazing people has really shaped my career. I found that I was on the road less but it made sense to look into a space for training and allow professionals to try several different therapies at once. Putting things together in the way that would best enhance their practices.

My husband and I decided to open the studio in 2016. I quickly realized a skincare practice of my own was a big passion. I started with no clients and we both worked hard to create this “dream come true”. I am thrilled with how the studio is growing and evolving. I love coming here everyday. I enjoy the relationships I make with clients and staff members. I’ve learned a little more balance.

I continue to improve my education. I love micro-current and received specialized training in fascia release, lymphatic drainage and acne treatments in 2018. I have studied Chinese Medicine with Holistic Dermal Professionals since 2020. I’ve learned so much about energy in the body, in food, and in treatments. In 2022 I completed a 500 hour course in Botanical Medicine Movement at Yahola Herbal School. I have always been an avid gardener and learning more about herbs (especially native herbs to our area) has been a real pleasure. I use my experiences and continued education to develop results driven treatments to improve the appearance of skin concerns.

I believe in balance, purpose and results. I love technology and clinical research. How you feel about your skin is important. SkinPro is not a day spa or a medical spa. We are a hybrid of the two. Clinical treatments in a comfortable and relaxing environment. Beauty is reflected in everything we do, give and receive.

Hank and I invented The Facial Guardian System to provide additional confidence in therapists and clients sitting less than 12 inches from each other in the aftermath of COVID 19. We had never “made” anything before. The manufacturing experience was a cascade of lessons learned. Hank and I felt strongly that supporting an industry we loved was worth the challenge. The Facial Guardian is now the brand name for all of my herbal therapies in the apothecary. Herbal treatments are custom blended after consultation. I utilize local and seasonal items for these creations. We provide custom products in treatment and for home use.

My well traveled road is a winding adventure and I couldn’t be happier with the view. I am exactly where I am supposed to be!

Michell Garza is passionate about people and skincare.  She comes to SkinPro after completing her training.  The path to get here was well traveled.  Michell is originally from Mexico.  Her past career as an engineer sent her to Europe.  She traveled to Amercia with her husband and fell in love with skin care.  Michell is also a trained reiki practitioner.  We can’t wait to see what Michell will do next.


Sam is amazing and you will likely speak to her or text with her if you contact us.  Sam has years of expereince managing offices and now works remotely while spending time with her adorable son.  She is available to answer questions or schedule visits.