And why a male might be the right choice for you!
Let’s face it! Take a look at the adage: “Men are from Mars; Women are from Venus.” It’s true. Men and women, for as far back as recorded history, simply think differently. It’s not good or bad, just different… Besides, life would be pretty boring if we all thought the same way! So, let’s challenge the gender stereotype for a massage therapist.
Here at SkinPro Studio, we have a male massage therapist – that’s me, Hank Munn! We believe that choosing a male massage therapist can have a significantly positive impact on the quality of your experience and the benefits received. Aside from the qualifications and techniques the therapist offers, a male massage therapist can have a significant influence on the overall massage experience.
As a male practitioner, I received my first massage ever from a male therapist. Unsure of how I felt about that, I decided to give him a chance. To my surprise, it was an amazing experience. He was very good at communicating the service, very modest, and professional. He was highly skilled and every technique was masterfully applied. This experience changed my perception of receiving a massage from a male. Here are a few things to consider as you weigh all the thoughts flowing through your mind as you decide between a male or female therapist!
1. A dynamic and integrative approach.
As a male practitioner, I have a tendency to want to “fix” everything I become involved with, almost to a fault. But that can play well when it comes to helping a client with whatever issue they are facing. I can’t speak for every male massage therapist but here are a few things I feel I may do differently than my female counterparts, respectfully!
I believe I bring a unique approach to my treatments. Being a good listener doesn’t mean I need to perform a massage with only the information the client gives me during the consultation. Many times I change my treatment plan midstream based on verbal and non-verbal communication from my client. Checking in on occasion can uncover un-noticed pain, loss of range of motion, trigger points, swelling, and more. Thinking outside of the box, listening, observing, and really understanding the relationship between our skeleton, muscles, and fascia are the keys to a dynamic and integrative massage.
Shifting the approach of a planned massage comes from client cues, and intuitive insight and also requires understanding the kinesiology of our muscular and skeletal system. Choosing a male therapist for your next massage may involve a new perspective than previously experienced.
2. Strength and Focus
I am an exercise enthusiast and a regular gym goer. I understand the importance of maintaining our strength at any age. Keeping our skeleton and muscles strong and constantly growing are but a few of the foundations for balance, strength, and overall health. Whether we as massage therapists are performing deep tissue massage, sports massage or even stretching a client, having a strong core and more muscle mass helps us hold positions longer and gives us unparalleled strength to help our clients achieve their goals. Even if a client is seeking a relaxing massage that needs more sustained pressure a male massage therapist is well suited for the task.
3. Comfort and Overall Experience
Your overall massage experience is directly related to your level of comfort. Ultimately, we recommend listening to your gut and choosing a therapist that feels right for you. However, a male massage therapist is capable of providing a level of comfort vital to receiving a deeper relaxing experience.
I understand that in today’s society, we live in a world of different cultures, ethnicities, religions, and beliefs. Our personal experiences, preferences, and personal relationships play an important role in how we choose a massage therapist and how your massage therapist interacts with you. That said, I am a parent and a PopPop to almost all girls. I lead with communication, care, and respect which I hope makes a difference when considering a massage at SkinPro Studios with me.
Our last tip on this: When choosing a massage therapist, do your research, and listen to your “word of mouth” referrals and Google reviews.
4. Training and Education
Did you know that over the past 20 years, many changes have been made by our educators, and training programs have evolved dramatically? In the early days of massage therapy training as little as 250 hours was all it took to become a massage therapist. This has since evolved and some schools required 950 hours of training in 2024. On average a licensed massage therapist will now receive at least 500 to 600 hours of training depending on the state and school attended. Therapists are scrutinized over ethics and held to the highest standards of practice. So, whether you’re looking into a male or female therapist, know that we all graduated from the same schools and received the same rigorous training and education. And you can feel confident that when you choose to get a massage at SkinPro Studios, you’re getting top-tier care backed by that rigorous training and education.
5. Changing Stereotypes
For any routine massage recipient, it’s no secret that females have dominated the massage industry for many years. But by choosing a male therapist you’re helping challenge old stereotypes and are supporting a more inclusive industry!
When you choose a massage therapist based on their qualifications and the results they deliver, you are choosing a therapist you can trust to meet your needs. The skills we have developed and honed are evident in our work regardless of gender. The professionalism and integrity we share for our clients are not driven by whether we’re male or female but by compassion and the desire to truly help others. It is this unselfish giving that fills our cup! Male therapists want to be judged by their integrity, skills, and ability to provide exceptional care and not old outdated stereotypes.
6. Therapist for Male-Specific Needs
A male massage therapist working with a male client has a great deal of value in understanding male-specific health concerns, sports injuries, or tensions unique to men. This can bring a great deal of comfort to the massage experience. The ability to relate to these issues can be very helpful in planning and executing a more effective massage.
Choosing a massage therapist is very personal and should be guided by your specific needs and goals. The strength, unique perspective, and comfort a male massage therapist can give should not be overlooked when making a decision to take your massage to the next level.
I employ you to not let gender sway your decision when choosing your next therapist. Or to even experience the benefits a male therapist brings to the table! Learn how they can help you achieve ultimate relaxation, and a highly effective massage to meet your goals. Your choice can empower a male therapist to be his best and help break the stereotype!
Did we get you thinking it’s time for a massage with SkinPro? You can book your massage here.