What is Tui Na?
Tui Na is one of the original 4 branches of Chinese medicine, which also includes acupuncture, herbal therapy, and qi quong. Tui Na is designed to balance the body meridians through the movement of qi. Acupressure is used in place of needles. When addressing imbalances with qi, one must also consider the state of a person’s emotions. Emotions play a large part in how freely our qi moves and flows. Consider this analogy. The tide comes in and out. Sometimes it rains, and the phase of the moon is always different. Sometimes the tide is stronger or higher. It all plays a part in the function of tidal creeks. This is how things are in our bodies as well. Different factors play a part, and identifying those that are not serving you and enhancing those that do is beneficial to your overall flow of qi and balance.
Our Tui Na facial usually targets the client’s face, neck, and chest. Tui Na movements include pushing, pulling, pinching, and swiping in specific locations. This massage is accompanied by hot towels to open the energy channels and skin during the treatment. We use our house-blend serums and oils for this treatment.
Who should have Tui Na facial massage?
All clients can benefit from Tui Na facial massage. Most come with concerns with aging, breakouts, tone or texture concerns, and this is a great treatment during pregnancy. Clients who are sensitive to products also do very well with treatment as very little product is required and can be completely customized. This is a great way to experience traditional Chinese medicine. You should expect glowing and hydrated skin with reduced puffiness. Lymphatic drainage is part of this treatment. The improved firmness and a sense of calm and relaxation are also noticeable. Tui Na is best performed weekly. We review and discuss your daily habits, including your diet and habits for movement. Some examples of lifestyle modifications may include breathing techniques and/or herbal products for facial home-care. Depending on your goals, some energetic changes to your diet or timing of foods may also be suggested.
Want to experience Tui Na Facial Massage? Book here. You may also learn more about our TCM treatments here or give us a call at 843-990-9386.