
“WHAT TREATMENT DO I NEED?” is the most frequently asked question!

​Clients are confused by all the available options. And most people are also somewhat afraid of committing to a treatment they don’t completely understand. Let’s take the mystery out of some of the services at the studio:

Our SkinPro Facial Treatment is  a facial but not a “spa” facial. This service will address your main skincare concern.  Most modalities are “covered” with this choice for a treatment.  All treatments include an exfoliation and a healing modality.  These vary greatly for each client and sometimes for each visit.   We aren’t a cookie cutter read the protocol put on the creams, take off the creams kind of place.  We talk to you about what your concerns are and then develop a treatment plan for that day or perhaps the next several visits depending on what your needs and wants are for treatment.

Let’s give some highlights on what our different modalities are and why the are used:

Microdermabrasion:   Microdermabrasion is used to revive dull skin and dry skin, as well as address pigmentation from the sun, acne scarring and congested skin (large pores). Most clients notice an immediate improvement. Microdermabrasion can be performed as part of the SkinPro Facial Treatment

Micro-Current: Micro-current is one of our go to tools.  This modality is designed to build collagen, create healing of the skin barrier, promote lymphatic draining, restore facial muscle shape, decrease bacteria on the skin, increase moisture and restore luminosity to the skin.  We use micro-current with our SkinPro Facial treatment as a tool but it is not the same as a full micro-current treatment.  Micro-current treatments are used for sculpting the face and lifts of the skin and muscles in the face.  This is a fairly in-depth process so it is listed as an add on if you want more micro-current but also a Facial Treatment or as a stand alone for all micro-current.  This is a big favorite therapy for many clients and therapists.

Chemical Peels are used as exfoliants in skincare.  These chemicals can sometimes be combinations or individually.  We use:  plant and fruit enzymes, AHA (alpha hydroxy acids) and BHA (beta hydroxy acids), TCA , Modified Jessner, green peels (marine and plant ingredients)  depending upon your goals for treatment.  All chemical peels do not cause the skin to “peel,”  but the process is designed to create exfoliation of the skin without a mechanical exfoliation. Chemical peels require conversation with us to best match the peel to the person.  The biggest thing to consider when getting a peel is the real possibility that it may “peel” for several days.  Do not choose a peel if you have an event in the next week or plan an extended sunny vacation within a week.

Cold Plasma or Magic Wand:  We use this high frequency adjacent treatment as an energy modality to penetrate products into the skin, decrease redness, decrease bacteria and improve tone and texture.  It varies in levels of energy and is not painful.  It produces an ozone type smell which isn’t troubling but noticeable.  This is an add on to therapies.  We use it in our Ultimate treatment along with micro-current and LED.  Cold plasma is a new spin on an established technology so it is safe for most and has no downtime.

LED Therapy is almost every client’s favorite!  Most call it the “light nap” because it is so relaxing. LED is FDA approved to treat aging skin, acne and pain. We use a Celluma panel that emits red, blue and infrared light during each treatment.

Herbal Harmony is an experience more than a facial treatment.  We use only products made in house for this treatment.   They are all fresh and created based on the season and the needs of the client.  As if fresh effective products aren’t enough we also utilize advanced facial massage techniques and acupressure points during this treatment.   You can expect glowing skin that is less puffy thanks to manual lymphatic drainage as well as neck shoulder and decollate massage to return muscles and skin to it’s natural toned form.  If you really want the experience add a scalp massage or foot massage to this treatment.  You can’t lose either way.

I hope this takes away some of the questions you may have about different skincare treatments. I am always happy to discuss any questions you may have because I love to educate clients on what’s available. More importantly, I closely listen to what you want to accomplish, which is the best possible way to chose a treatment!

Call us at 843-990-9386 with any questions or connect with us on Facebook or Instagram where you can message us.