Facials, Now?

Yes, we are doing facials. We do 5 a day in each treatment room. We believe we provide a sanitation practice that safely allows you to have a facial. We have a full safety protocol that goes far beyond what is required and use appropriate PPE. We also use the Facial...

Safety Is More Than An Action, It’s A Feeling

The action of adopting a safety plan is smart, shows you respect those you serve and take things seriously.  There are strong feelings around wearing masks and closures of businesses and states (sometimes several times) in an effort to keep other safe.  Me personally...

Mask Acne – It’s a thing!

Mask acne has become one of the most asked about concerns.  People are wearing masks more and more to protect themselves and others.  This is our suggestion for mask acne and how we can help: 1.  Breathe!  I mean really take some deep breaths (without your mask) as...

Massage is Good For Your Immune System

Studies show that a massage will reduce stress and boost your immune system.  Read the study.  During times of stress you should continue to receive regular massage.  We believe that this simple act of self care can be a boost not only in your mood but in your immune...